Battery Corporal
             Willis S. Cole
          Military Museum

A Non-Profit Corporation, Washington U.S.A.

             A military history publishing museum!

    The following hover buttons lead you to various pages in our site that will give
you much more information about our published book and the many interesting
events covered by the book.

                                      Excerpts From The Book About
                      The Dual Congressional Medals Of Honor
                        The Last Flight Of The Lady Jeannette
                            (Click On The Picture And Go!)

                          Five Bombers Of World War Two
                   Information on the five bombers
                      researched for eight years.
                            (Click On The Picture And Go!)

           Congressional Medals Of Honor
1st Lt. Donald J. Gott, C.M.H., K.I.A.
  2nd Lt. William E. Metzger, Jr., C.M.H., K.I.A,\
           B-17G-35VE, SN: 42-97904
                10 November, 1945

                  1st Lt. Richard F. Noble, Executed
                     P.O. Henri E. DUBE, Executed
         On 8 August, 1944, two Allied airmen
       were chained to the rain down spouts of
       this church at Olizy, France, after being
     captured by the Germans while evading.
      Late that afternoon, the Germans took the
     two men to the top of the hill to the southwest
     if the village.  Whey they were executed.
(Click On The Picture And Go!)

              Learn The Story Of
              The Two Men Killed
                In The Crash Of
                 'Where's It At?'
             And So Much More!
         These People Did And They
            Recommend The Book!
  (Click On The Picture And Go!)

   In March, 1998, the museum  published Executive Director/Curator,
Willis S. Cole, Jr.'s autobiographical definitive study of the events leading
to the crash of a B-17 bomber in France and to the events that happened
after the crash.  The pilot and co-pilot were each awarded the

     Congressional Medal Of Honor

for their actions during their last mission aboard the B-17G-35VE bomber,
Serial Number: 42-97904, named the Lady Jeannette.  The bomber has
been miss-named, the
Lady Janet, in all known previous accounts of the
mission, except in the newspapers of the period.
   One of only two dual awards of the medal to personnel of the 8th United
States Army Air Force.  A total of only 17 such medals were awarded
during the war, to the 8th U.S.A.A.F with its over 50,000 dead personnel.
   The book includes a study of the crash of a B-26 bomber and the award

of two Soldiers Medals to the pilot and co-pilot.  As well as, the beginning
of the research into the fate of a pilot, 1st Lt. Richard F. Noble, from the
author's home town of New Concord, Ohio.  Lt. Noble was later found to
have been executed by the Germans, along with Pilot Officer (WAG) Henri
DUBE of New Brunswick, Canada,  when they were captured on 8 August,
1944, while evading after having crashed in Europe.
   The book was written with reader's of all types in mind.  Women, older
children and men who are interested in more than just military information
will find the irony of the situation at the crew's as they struggle with what
happened to their family members during World War Two.
   The largest chapter is devoted to showing just how the people on the
'home front' felt when their loved ones were reported Missing In Action
or Killed In Action.   Perhaps, for the first time the reader will become
aquatinted with the full life of some of our country's World War Two airmen.
Read letters written between the mother's of these two American heroes
and understand their heartfelt sorrow as they waited for any information
on Don and Bill.
   You will come to understand why one crewman's father first wanted
his son's remains returned, even at his own expense if necessary, and what
happened to change his mind when the actual moment of decision came.
    This deep study of the involved personnel, allows the reader to know each
person aboard the bomber, with information from birth to death, or date of
publishing.  Based on in-depth personal interviews with survivors, families
and on army records concerning the death of the crewmen killed in the crashes.
   The reader will be astonished to learn there is a witnessed and documented
case of American Soldiers recovering American Aviator's Remains from an
American bomber crash site and later hiding most of the remains they recovered
in a hidden grave along a road in France.  The hidden remains were recovered

by the people of Cartigny, France, and buried in their village cemetery, for
over 50 years they were in a grave marked:

                                   Aviator American
                          Died For France - EN 1943

   On Christmas Eve, 1991, Willis S. Cole, Jr., "Sam" was asked to identify the
remains in the grave at Cartigny by a member of the Le Souvenir Francais,
a French Souvenir/Remembrance Association dating back over 100 years.  His
research into the identity of the remains in that grave lead to an established
identity and to this book:

                                    ISBN O-9662728-0-3

        (Click On Picture And Go)
    (Purchasing Book Information)

Proudly on display at the:

Airborne Museum, Ste-Mere-Eglise, Normandy, France

   A 288 page, 8 1/2" x 11" format, "600 copy, limited first edition" book with

two artist signed and numbered 'limited edition' prints. On the inside front
cover is a  print of the B-17 and on the inside rear cover is a print of the B-26
researched.  Each original was signed by the surviving crewmen personally
interviewed for their personal accounts of the bomber's last mission.
   Each book ordered through the museum is personally signed and dedicated, as
the purchaser requests, by the author. 
   The book may be purchased at the Air Force Museum, Dayton, Ohio; Readers

Book Stores, Lima, Ohio; Oklahoma Air and Space Museum, Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma; Tinker Air Force Base Main Exchange, OK; Delville Wood South
African Memorial, Somme, France; Avril Williams Bed & Breakfast, Auchonvillers,
Somme, France and through our museum on our order form.

   Books purchased elsewhere may be sent to the museum for the author's signature
and dedication as desired, please enclose $ 4.00 to cover return shipment.

If Your Browser Does Not Support Fancy Stuff, Click Below To Go!
Exerts From The Last Flight Of The Lady Jeannette:
Information of four of the bombers involved:
Congressional Medals Of Honor Information:  www.ww1./Medal_Of_Honor.htm
Information on executed officers, 1st Lt. Noble & P.O. DUBE:
Book Recommendations:
Book Ordering Via Email: Just contact us via email, leave your name, address and telephone number
                                              and we will call you to verify your special dedication and collection, either
                                              by check or credit card.

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Date Page Last Updated:  10 June, 2006 09:43:39 PM
